Free QR Code Maker

Only 2 ways to get information into a Mobile phone

Using a keyboard which is slow and spelling mistakes can be made especially with information such as email addresses.

Scanning a QR Code which is much quicker and easier and no spelling mistakes.

In business making things quicker and easier for your customers is a good thing. Many businesses owe their sucsess to making things quicker and easier, think Amazon, think fast food.

What is a QR Code?

Basically its a picture of black and white squares that can be scanned using a free mobile phone app.
Stripped barcodes found on products generally hold a series of numbers where QR codes are capable of storing both letters and numbers.

The ability to store both letters and numbers means that a QR code can be used to hold website addresses email addresses, names, phone numbers, anything really.

Marketing with QR Codes

Basically you make a QR code image, save it, then put it on some form of real world media. Often movie companies will put a QR code on a poster that links to movie trailer video on youtube. Business can have large QR codes printed on Vynal and placed on the side of vehicles or QR codes on their business stationery.